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The pandemic has also significantly impacted social workers who face hidden mental health consequences. 2016, doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.COVID-19 has disproportionally affected people living in poverty new immigrants and those living in healthcare settings (hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes), shelters, detention centers, and prisons.

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"Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey",Ħ05-616, Eyl. Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey. %T Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey %0 Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey T1 - Zaman Serisi Kümelemesinin Türkiye’deki hava kirliliği izleme istasyonlarındaki bilgi fazlalığının tespit edilmesine uygulanmasıĪU - Öznurİşçi Güneri, NevinGüler Dinçer, Muhammet OğuzhanYalçın "Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey". Sakarya University Journal of Science 20 (2016 "Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey" Time Series Clustering’s application to identifying of information redundancy at air pollution monitoring stations in Turkey Dodge (Ed.), Statistical Data Analysis based on the L1 Norm (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987), 1987, pp.

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